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USA - Versión para impresión

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USA - Krody - 09-03-2015

Estados Unidos mantendrá la base militar de Mannheim en Alemania, informa el semanario alemán Der Spiegel en su edición on-line.

La base Coleman, un antiguo aeropuerto de la Wehrmacht (Ejército alemán durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial) en el Estado federado de Baden-Württemberg (suroeste), tenía que volver a manos alemanas el pasado mes de febrero, pero la situación en Ucrania y las tensiones con Rusia llevaron al Pentágono a reconsiderar su decisión.

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© Flickr/ dbking 

El anuncio lo realizó este martes el comandante de las Fuerzas terrestres de EEUU en Europa, Ben Hodges.

"Nuestra tarea es que 30.000 soldados parezcan y se sientan como 300.0000", dijo Hodges en referencia a la cifra máxima de tropas de EEUU estacionadas en Europa durante la guerra fría.

En esta base se encuentra la sede del "European Activity Set" (EAS) —una unidad de infantería mecanizada que se destaca por su movilidad- y están estacionados 1.2000 vehículos militares, entre ellos 250 tanques.

Según Hodges, el objetivo a largo plazo es desplazar este arsenal al Báltico, Polonia, Hungría, Rumanía y Bulgaria, pero EEUU necesita tiempo para encontrar los lugares adecuados.

Fuente :

RE: USA - Terminus - 09-10-2015

Gobierno de Estados Unidos confirma la entrega del A-29 al Líbano.

[Imagen: A-29.jpg]

Seis Embraer A-29 Súper Tucanos se dirigen para el Líbano a pesar de la inestabilidad política continua en ese país. En una venta vale $ 462 millones, que al parecer está siendo financiado por Arabia Saudita, el avión le son ofrecidos por los EE.UU. como una venta militar (FMS). Esta es la segunda operación en el programa estadounidense de Apoyo Aéreo Luz (LAS), que también está proporcionando 20 aeronaves similares a Afganistán. Socio estadounidense de Embraer Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) se confirmó como el principal contratista LAS después de una competición muy reñida y disputada con Beechcraft.

La Agencia de Defensa de Estados Unidos Seguridad Cooperación (DSCA), dijo que los seis aviones sería utilizado por el Líbano en el cierre papel de apoyo aéreo "para enfrentar los desafíos presentes y futuros que plantean las amenazas de seguridad interna y de frontera." El país está luchando para dar cabida a un número enorme de refugiados procedentes de la vecina Siria, así como para resolver las tensiones de larga data entre su propia cristiana, musulmana chiíta y las poblaciones musulmanas sunitas.

Las Fuerzas Armadas Libanesas (LAF), una vez operado Hawker Hunter y Dassault Mirage aviones de combate, y algunos de los primeros fueron de nuevo en servicio hace siete años. De lo contrario, la LAF ha sido una fuerza todo-helicóptero, algunos de ellos armados, a excepción de algunos Cessna 208B caravanas que pueden disparar misiles Hellfire. La venta Super Tucano incluye 2.000 avanzadas de precisión Kill Sistemas de Armas (APKWS) y ocho ALE-47 contramedidas sistemas de dispensación, ambos suministrados por BAE Systems North America.]]

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

RE: USA - Terminus - 09-23-2015

Primeras pruebas del POD Legion

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Lockheed Martin ha probado en vuelo su nuevo sistema de búsqueda y seguimiento de infrarrojos Legión por primera vez en un F-16 Fighting Falcon en Fort Worth, Texas, como respuesta a la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos que explora mejoras en sus cazas y hacerlos más competitivos frente a las modernas amenazas aereas.
La vaina lleva el sensor de Lockheed IRST21, que remonta su linaje hasta el Grumman F-14 Tomcat y ya está en funcionamiento en el Boeing F / A-18 Super Hornet y F-15 internacionales.

El Legión está dirigido a un programa para proporcionar al F-15C Eagle una capacidad pasiva de infrarrojos de largo alcance, y el servicio también está explorando opciones para sus Lockheed F-16.
"El Pod se integró en el F-16 sin hacer ningún  cambio de hardware o software en la aeronave", dijo Lockheed en un comunicado 30 de junio. "Pruebas de vuelo adicionales en F-16 y F-15C continuarán durante todo el año."

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

RE: USA - el_francotirador - 11-10-2015

Pasaron y dejaron saludos....

Portaaviones nuclear de EE.UU. estuvo a 100 millas de Punta del Este
Subrayado visitó el George Washington, que transporta a 5.500 personas y puede embarcar hasta 80 aeronaves. Sus reactores nucleares le dan autonomía para 20 años.
09 NOV 2015 - 21:07

El portaaviones nuclear George Washington está navegando por el Atlántico Sur en maniobras de entrenamiento. La embajada de Estados Unidos invitó a los comandantes de las fuerzas armadas uruguayas y a miembros del gobierno a conocer las instalaciones de la embarcación.
El portaaviones es uno de los 10 pertenecientes a la clase Nimitz y está en servicio desde 1992. Zarpó en setiembre desde San Diego en la costa oeste, con destino al astillero de Norfolk, Virginia en la costa este.
La travesía implica bordear todo el continente americano. En su viaje, realizó maniobras en Perú y Chile. Tras atravesar el estrecho de Magallanes hasta el Atlántico con rumbo al norte.
Este portaaviones es propulsado por dos reactores nucleares con autonomía para 20 años. Actualmente transporta a 5.500 personas y puede embarcar hasta 80 aeronaves. Destila un millón y medio de litros de agua por día para consumo interno y para enfriar los reactores. Desarrolla una velocidad de máxima de 30 nudos, unos 55 kilómetros por hora.
La almirante Lisa Franchetti está a cargo del grupo de ataque que comanda el George Washington, y que componen otras embarcaciones.
Debajo de la cubierta y las pistas están los sectores destinados a los hangares. En estos compartimentos se trabaja de forma permanente en la reparación y mantenimiento de los aviones y helicópteros.
Al llegar al puerto de Norfolk a mediados de diciembre, se realizará la recarga de los reactores para volver a navegar por otros tres años.

En la cubierta de vuelo la operativa de despegue y aterrizaje se realiza tanto en el día como la noche.
El Goerge Washinton tiene un largo de 332 metros y 76,8 de ancho. En la cubierta de vuelo hay cuatro elevadores para subir y bajar los aviones y helicópteros.
El teniente Alex Díaz, de origen cubano, es el jefe de la cubierta de vuelos.
En las dos pistas de despegue hay cuatro catapultas para impulsar a las naves, que salen al máximo de potencia para poder decolar en menos de 200 metros.
En la pista de de aterrizaje están los cuatro cables. Cada avión debe enganchar uno de ellos para frenar, siempre con el máximo de potencia posible, para volver a despegar para intentarlo de nuevo, en caso de no engancharse.
Este portaaviones estaba a 100 millas de la costa de Maldonado, dentro de la zona económica donde puede navegar, pero fuera del mar territorial uruguayo. En el viaje hacia el barco y en la visita a la cubierta hubo que seguir rigurosas medidas de seguridad.
La permanencia en la cubierta es con protección para los oídos y la vista, a causa del intenso sonido de los aviones y las partículas que se pueden desprender. También los visitantes deben usar chalecos salvavidas y permanecer atentos a las señales de advertencia, mientras los aviones caza despegan.
Los comandantes del ejército, fuerza aérea y armada, junto al jefe del estado mayor de la defensa, valoraron el intercambio con la tripulación del portaaviones, capitaneado por Timothy Kuehhas. Entre los invitados por la embajada a conocer la embarcación, estuvo el vicecanciller José Luis Cancela.
El George Washington sirvió en el Mediterráneo durante el conflicto de los Balcanes y en el golfo pérsico, en operaciones desplegadas en Irak y Afganistán.

[Imagen: i_mensaje_mas.png]INGRESAR PARA COMENTAR

RE: USA - el_francotirador - 11-28-2015

El negocio de las Fuerzas Aereas privadas en Norteamerica:
Red Air For Hire: The big business of private air forces
How The US Military Uses Contractors To Play The Bad Guys

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    2016 Lexus RC 200t and RC 300 AWD
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    Greenspeed Research Biodiesel Trophy Truck
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    Mercedes-Benz and Smart at 2015 Silvretta E-Car Rally

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  • Image Credit: Air Tactical Advantage Company
[Imagen: profile_placeholder.png]Jan Tegler
Cita:There are a growing number of private air forces in the US and Canada which Americans are overwhelmingly unaware of.

America is home to three military air forces including the United States Air Force (USAF), United States Naval Air Forces (USN, USMC), and United States Army Aviation (USA). With roots stretching back to the early 20th century, these air arms are well understood by most Americans.

But there are a growing number of private air forces in the US and Canada which Americans are overwhelmingly unaware of. Composed of retired military fighter and training aircraft, operated by ex-military pilots, these company-owned fleets provide a surprising range of airborne training services to the US armed forces. Quietly, they've been a feature of American military aviation for more than three decades, increasingly integrated but still on the fringe, a contracting force not spoken of freely or often by the Department of Defense (DoD).

Business is about to pick up, however. According to the executives who lead the companies in this unique industry, the contract air services (CAS) trade is at a tipping point. "If there was ever a question about the future of the industry, it has been answered," says Jared Isaacman, CEO of the Florida-based Draken International. "It's not just a Navy thing anymore. The Air Force, the Marines, the Army – they're all going to use it and NATO allies are going to use it. We're past the question mark."

This assertion is based on snowballing economic and operational challenges facing the US military. Since the end of the Cold War, America's fleet of tactical aircraft has diminished considerably. Cutbacks hit the special adversary squadrons which once acted as "bad guy" training partners for active USAF, USN, USMC, and USA units especially hard. Most were disbanded.

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Cita:Slowly, private contractors have stepped in to augment aviation training the armed forces now struggle to deliver.

Meanwhile, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan took a heavy toll on the smaller regular fleet, piling up flight hours on aging airplanes. Replacement or upgrade of these aircraft is sorely needed but the nation's increasingly tight defense budget is insufficient to allow equitable recapitalization. Add in the bill for the costly F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and you have a rapidly forming perfect storm.

Slowly, private contractors have stepped in to augment aviation training the armed forces now struggle to deliver. CAS providers offer an alternative by cost-effectively filling gaps. The roles/missions they undertake can be broken into three broad categories: threat simulation, research and development support, and aerial refueling.

Adversary support or "Red Air" is the most complex/dynamic contract air service, typically involving contractor aircraft flying as part of a "bad-guy" red force, opposing a "good-guy" blue force. Blue Air forces can include the full range of tactical and support aircraft employed by US military. Red Air forces are increasingly supplemented by CAS providers who fly alongside the remaining active-duty and Reserve "aggressor" squadrons.

Newport News, Virginia-based ATAC USA has been America's most active CAS provider, working on succession of contracts with the USN for over a decade. The company's fleet of 25 aircraft including Mach 2-capable IAI Kfir F-21s (an ex-Israeli fighter first fielded in the 1970s) and subsonic Mk.58 Hawker Hunters (a British fighter-bomber first fielded in the 1950s) is deployed at a number of Naval Air Stations across the continental US, Hawaii, and Japan, and in Germany supporting US Air Forces Europe.

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Cita:ATAC's aircraft/aircrews are fully integrated into the Navy's aviation training cycles.

Flown by a mix of retired Navy and Air Force pilots with extensive experience, ATAC's aircraft/aircrews are fully integrated into the Navy's aviation training cycles. Flying from NAS Fallon, ATAC Kfirs team with the Navy's TOPGUN forces to simulate sophisticated opposing air forces for carrier air wings readying for deployment.

The Kfirs carry electronic gear to jam signals and present an unfamiliar picture to the sensors and pilots of Navy F/A-18 Hornets/Super Hornets, E-2C/D Hawkeyes and EA-18G Growlers. Entering training ranges at speed as part of the Red Air force they aim to confuse Blue Air forces, complicating their mission by adding to the "fog of war."

"Our Navy contracts have gone up year over year," says ATAC USA CEO Jeff Parker. "We're now flying almost 5,000 hours per year around the world. We've flown well over 40,000 hours in support of DoD for 18 years. The Navy has figured out how to perfectly integrate our assets with theirs."

The Navy has been the most eager user of CAS but with training shortfalls looming the USAF, long reluctant to embrace the industry, is coming around. At the end of September, Draken International was awarded an Air Force contract to provide adversary support at Nellis AFB, Nevada. The announcement marked a milestone for the industry and a further acknowledgment of its relevance.

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Cita:"We are excited to begin delivering a professional, safe, and highly capable aggressor service to the United States Air Force."

The USAF contract award followed the August deployment of six of the firm's A-4K Skyhawks equipped with F-16A-equivalent avionics to support the Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) Operational Test Team at Edwards AFB, California. So equipped, the third-generation Skyhawks effectively simulate fourth-generation fighters for what the company's CEO claims is a fraction of the cost.

"We are excited to begin delivering a professional, safe, and highly capable aggressor service to the United States Air Force. Personally, I am really looking forward to integrating with and complementing the USAF Nellis-based aggressors. They have served this essential mission for a long time and are some of the finest in the world," said Col. Terry "Stretch" Scott, a recently retired USAF F-22 Pilot and Nellis Detachment Commander for Draken International.

Draken is a relative newcomer to CAS but like ATAC USA deploys aircraft flown by experienced ex-military pilots to military airfields in the US and Europe. Its billionaire CEO Jared Isaacman (founder of payments processing firm, Harbortouch) is building the largest fleet of privately owned tactical aircraft in the world with nearly 70 jets including 11 Skyhawks, 21 nearly-new Aero Vodochody L-159Es (Advanced Light Combat Aircraft built for the Czech Republic in 2003) with similarly advanced avionics, nine Aermacchi-MB-339CBs (an Italian training/light attack jet) and 27 MiG-21s.

Isaacman contends that Draken's radar-equipped L-159s and A-4Ks are game-changers for the industry, representing more than just the "metal in the sky" the firm's competitors offer. "We have tactical airplanes that can be AMRAAM (air-to-air missile) aware, potentially react to those type of missile shots and fire similar caliber missiles, then document the training on video with HUD debriefing and radar tapes. The military is looking at us and saying 'you're telling me you're kind of like an F-16 but it doesn't cost what an F-16 costs? That's great.'"

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Cita:Reductions in America's tactical aircraft fleet meant fewer frontline craft could be spared for this essential training.

ATAC USA and other competitors respond that true fourth-generation tactical aircraft are better suited to high-end training, including requirements that will evolve as the fifth-generation F-35 becomes operational. Parker says ATAC is ready to acquire aircraft tailored to the services' needs once they are identified.

Not all airborne training requires fourth- or fifth-generation performance, however. Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) training, which prepares soldiers to direct air strikes and other offensive air operations from a forward position on the ground, is a significant business for CAS providers. But reductions in America's tactical aircraft fleet meant fewer frontline craft could be spared for this essential training.

Illinois-based Air USA has been a leader in the provision of aircraft and pilots for JTAC training to the Marine Corps and the USAF Special Operations Command since 2010. Initially, the company supported training with German-made Dassault Breguet Dornier Alpha Jets (light attack) then transitioned to the British-built BAE T59 Hawk (advanced jet trainer).

Air USA has flown an impressive range of sorties for JTAC training, executing day and night "dry" (no live ordnance) and "live" (BDU-33 practice bombs) close air support as well as delivering laser-guided training rounds and digitally aided close air support.

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Cita:"Our close air support work for the Air Force is probably the most sophisticated thing any contractor does."

"Our close air support work for the Air Force is probably the most sophisticated thing any contractor does," Air USA Operations Director Ben Brezlin explains. "We're flying on NVGs (night vision goggles) with our own bombs. That's a lot for a civilian company to do."

Air USA plans to continue providing CAS but is in a state of limbo with the USN/USMC after the loss of one of its Hawks last March in a landing accident at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, AZ. In the interim, Draken International has taken over the USMC JTAC training contract. Air USA plans to bid on upcoming USAF and USMC contracts.

The firm is not the only company to have suffered accidents while performing CAS. ATAC USA and Patriot Technologies Group (now out of the CAS business) have also lost aircraft and pilots. Brezlin stresses that the loss of the company's Hawk is the only accident Air USA has suffered and adds that CAS providers face the same reality the military has traditionally confronted. The more hours they fly, the greater the odds of accidents.

Virginia-based Omega Air Refueling Services has a CAS contract with the USN and USMC, employing their three aerial tankers – two Boeing KC-707s and one KDC-10 – for air to air refueling duties including the first-ever aerial refueling of an unmanned aircraft (the X-47B) last spring. Though Omega's tankers don't fly on training ranges they do incur risk. In 2011, an Omega KC-707 was lost when it crashed on takeoff at Naval Base Ventura County.

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Cita:"I see growth beyond our current contracts with the Navy. I see growth with the USAF and growing opportunities around the world."

Overall, CAS providers have a fairly good safety record. But Draken International and other players in the industry including Canada-based Discovery Air Defense Services (which executes CAS with the Canadian armed forces) and Las Vegas-based Blue Air Training will encounter greater hazards as they take on further contracts.

Perhaps that reality, along with the lack of a uniform standard for CAS certification across DoD and the US military's reticence to admit that it's between a rock and a hard place when it comes to meeting airborne training requirements, is why the two primary users of CAS are reluctant to speak about it publicly.

Despite repeated requests, no individual from either the USAF's Air Combat Command (ACC) or the USN's Naval Air Systems Command would go on record with comments concerning the future of CAS with their respective service.

"I see the industry growth that we forecast a long time ago finally coming to fruition," says ATAC's Jeff Parker. "I see growth beyond our current contracts with the Navy. I see growth with the USAF and growing opportunities around the world. It's been a long time coming but fiscal constraints are such that it's inevitable. If it's not, the outcome will be decreased readiness."
Featured GalleryRed Air for Hire: Private Air Forces
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RE: USA - legionario - 12-03-2015

CNN BRAKING NEWS.............. Las damas al combate

All U.S. military combat positions are being opened up to women, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Thursday.

The decision allows women to fill about 220,000 jobs that are now limited to men -- including infantry, armor, reconnaissance and some special operations units.

"This means that as long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before. They'll be able to drive tanks, give orders, lead infantry soldiers into combat," Carter said at a news conference Thursday.

"There will be no exceptions," he added.

RE: USA - Terminus - 12-03-2015

(12-03-2015, 08:43 PM)legionario escribió: CNN BRAKING NEWS..............  Las damas al combate

All U.S. military combat positions are being opened up to women, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Thursday.

The decision allows women to fill about 220,000 jobs that are now limited to men -- including infantry, armor, reconnaissance and some special operations units.

"This means that as long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before. They'll be able to drive tanks, give orders, lead infantry soldiers into combat," Carter said at a news conference Thursday.

"There will be no exceptions," he added.

Jajaja!! en todos lados se cuecen progresistas......recientemente una dama aprobo el curso de Ranger, uno de los mas exigentes del US Army. Lo que no dijeron es que lo hizo despues de fallar varias veces los test selectivos y que le tuvieron una contemplacion que a los hombres no.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

RE: USA - Arcia57 - 12-05-2015

Fueron dos las mujeres que se graduaron del curso de Army Rangers; ambas oficiales.

Lo que también se comentó aquí pero no fué muy difundido es que el hecho de que hayan completado el curso no significa que las van asignar a una unidad de Rangers. Eso sigue siendo potestad del comando del ejército.

RE: USA - Terminus - 12-08-2015

Siguen bajando los estandares para incluir a las mujeres, como si los estandares del enemigo fueran a bajar cuando se enfrenten a una mujer!!

Pressure grows on Marines to consider lowering combat standards for women

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

RE: USA - JollyRoger - 12-09-2015

El USS Zumwalt empezó las pruebas antes de su entrada en servicio.